Tuesday 3 September 2013


This is the Design and Media foundation blog. I am going to be blogging all my work that I do at Ravensbourne and reflecting on it. 

The aim of this art foundation course for me is to find out what I enjoy doing the most. Originally I was always thinking of doing fine art for my foundation year however Ravensbourne was my first choice and there is no fine art anymore there. Being completely honest I am glad that I chose this course of Design and Media so I can experiment with different subjects. 

My aim at the end of these 6 weeks of doing different subjects is to do photography as its always been my favourite subject to do. 

I have done loads of personal, styling and photography blogs in the past but they were never very successful. Then I gave up on them and it has been a few years that I have not done any blogging, therefore this is going to be exciting. 

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