Thursday 5 September 2013

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013 Designed by Sou Fujimoto

"It is a really fundamental question how architecture is different from nature, or how architecture could be part of nature, or how they could be merged...what are the boundaries between nature and artificial things." Sou Fujimoto 
The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013 is designed by multi award-winning Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto

Occupying some 350 square-metres of lawn in front of the Serpentine Gallery, Sou Fujimoto's delicate, latticed structure of 20mm steel poles will have a lightweight and semi-transparent appearance that will allow it to blend, cloud-like, into the landscape and against the classical backdrop of the Gallery's colonnaded East wing. Designed as a flexible, multi-purpose social space - with a cafĂ© sited inside - visitors will be encouraged to enter and interact with the Pavilion in different ways throughout its four-month tenure in London's Kensington Gardens.

    (pictures taken by me)

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