Sunday 22 September 2013

Lens based media - day 1. Deconstruction of the photographic image

Day 1 : Working from a single image that you have chosen, we were asked to redraw it onto an A1 sheet. We were then asked to crop the image and rework the image considering how meaning and interpretation can change.
The power of the lens
Breaking the frame, life exists outside the frame!
Captures a moment in time 
How do you take a picture so the audience would want to engage.?
Make sense, WHY?
I chose a picture of my good friend to draw because i like happy people and when i take pictures i try to get out people's real, natural emotions. Even though this picture is posed it still looks natural and effortless. 
My pencil drawing of a friend . 

Contact sheet of all the different cut outs i have done by looking at all the unusual angles and how they change the mood of the picture. 

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