Wednesday 23 October 2013

reflective summary

The 6 weeks of exploratory working were nothing like I have expected to be. They were much harder and challenging but at the same time very awarding. I did not think that I will not be enjoying doing so many different things and coming out of it loving fashion when I have never thought of it before.
The worst week for me was lens based media and that was a big surprise because that was what I really wanted to do, however that week I did not enjoy myself at all and did not find it interesting.
Another big surprise for me was loving fashion week so much, as I never saw myself actually getting into fashion. Every single project that we did I absolutely loved even though it was not too easy.
The whole experience of these 6 weeks was great! My main focus on it was not how well I can do each exercise but how much I can learn and experiment. Found out so much about what I enjoy doing and what not. Also learnt that not everything comes out how you think it will and that not always ideas work out and you just have to learn from your failures. These 6 weeks were about trying plenty of new stuff that never done before and going into it with an open mind.

I really enjoyed overcoming challenges and learning so much from every different subject. Also dealing with problems and trying to fix them. It was all about the experience and not the outcome. 

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